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Author Topic: Assigned Flights (Read 22 times)
Harel L

Total Posts: 8
Posted at: 17-08-2024 04:22:20


When scheduled flights via Assigned flights it gives a list of booked flights with not much variety of airports and I was wondering if there is an option to improve the algorithm of it someway. For example, if I choose to search and book 10 assigned flights starting from EGAA, it gives me at least 3-4 times out of the 10 flights to depart and arrive the same airports during the 10 flights (i.e. will be depart or arrive to EGAA at least 4-5 times out of 10 times). I think if there is a way that the algorithm will build the list of flights with more diversity and include an higher mix of airports to ariive/depart when schedule flights via the Assigned flights option it can be more interesting and fun.

Please see this as a friendly suggestion. At this opportunity I will mention that I've joined JetVA a month ago, and I am very impressed from the convenient of the website, Bluesky and enjoying being part of JetVA! You are doing a great job and thanks for everything smiley 


Mark Grant
Training Captain
No Avatar
Total Posts: 133
Posted at: 17-08-2024 08:24:23

Hi and welcome to the VA. Thanks for your great comments. EGAA is probably not a great choice as flights are limited which is probably why the system is struggling to find unique flights from the schedules. I will have a look at the code to see if it can be improved. Ig you try from a hub airport toy will have many different options.

Many Thanks,


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